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It's time for new leadership in Atlasia.


After considerable thought, ample discussion with citizens and a growing belief that there are new challenges we must tackle for the sake of the game's long-term future, I am officially running for President of Atlasia in the June 2019 Election.


This political simulator offers a wide variety of opportunities for those who engage with it. Its flexibility is in many ways its greatest strength. Since Consolidation and the Grand Reset of 2016 that I helped push through, we've seen a new era of Atlasian politics emerge. Both in terms of game mechanics and policy, a wide variety of experiments and new ideas have been tried. Such is necessary in a game where activity, competition and interest are paramount above all else.


It has always been my view that the game must be looked at as three separate entities: the competitive/electoral aspect of things, the policy aspect of things, and the aspect of game mechanics. As such, any professional and viable presidential campaign must consider the ramifications that all three have on the health of the game. As of late, I have perceived an imbalance forming - one serious enough that it has motivated me to stand up and offer myself once again as a problem-solver. Over the next 7 weeks, I am looking forward to addressing these concerns, laying out proposals and offering solutions for how we move forward effectively. 


In my opening speech, I first want to lay out the set of principles that will inform every policy-based decision pursued by this prospective administration. As the campaign continues, specific solutions that champion these values will be unveiled one-by-one. This "Glorious Deal!" will serve as a bulwark against any future erosion of our nation's values by those with ulterior ideological motives.


Particularly important in the post-reset world, the responsibilities of the Vice President are vast. They must be a proven work-horse capable of getting things done, keeping the sludge moving, and handling the bureaucracy of a vast federal government. I have seen first-hand the work that Jimmy brings to the table in this regard and genuinely believe he is one of but a handful of people who can and will perform the day-to-day tasks of this role flawlessly. 


As such, I am proud to announce Jimmy7812 as my Vice Presidential candidate for the June 2019 Presidential Election!


Ultimately, we have a long road ahead during this campaign - and an even longer one following that. I believe that we can build a coalition that represents our values and ensures the long-term stability and continuity of this shared experience we call "Atlasia". I hope I can count on your support!


-Adam Griffin

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